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The connection between the human world and the spirit world allows individuals to connect with any number of spiritual beings. In some cases, people choose to connect with their ancestors, their deceased loved ones, their own spiritual selves, and most often spiritual deities like Jesus Christ. Catholicism is a major religion in South America and Christianity has increased in popularity in more recent years so being able to connect with the deity of your given religion would be highly sought after. If you are familiar with the mythology associate with both of those religions, you might know various examples of God appearing to humans in different forms, as a cloud or burning bush, in this way he can communicate with those outside of the heavenly realm (Madera). Ayahuasca is a substance that allows members of the community to share in those experiences as God can take these forms in each ceremony. As in most communities, religion is a pillar that brings people together and allows them to share a belief system. Naturally, a substance that bolsters this connection becomes a key factor within the religion and is held in high esteem by those that share in that belief system. While indigenous people may use this plant based substance to connect with deities and enhance their spiritual beliefs, the modern usage of this substance has grown alongside tourism. As we know, spirituality can mean different things to different people. So all those that engage in a spiritual ceremony such as an Ayahuasca ceremony will obtain and retain different important aspects of the 'trip' that they will hold onto and associate with their spirituality. There have even been studies done regarding the spiritual effects of Ayahuasca in which participants were asked about various spiritual aspects including the transcendence of time and space, mood changes, sense of sacredness, and many others. The control group was given a placebo while the test group was given the ayahuasca. After the ceremonies, they were each asked the questions again and those that had taken the ayahuasca brew reported changes to all of the categories associated with spirituality (Trichter et al). While spirituality is not necessarily something that can be tested for, recounted stories and experiences provide ample evidence for a certain degree of spiritual connection.

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